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Toast to the Bard on Burns Night with Hog Roast Glenrothes Catering!

Hog Roast GlenrothesIn Scotland we’ve had a lot of world-renowned Scots to celebrate over the years, but only the Scot’s Bard is celebrated enough to have his very own annual celebratory night and dinner. Burns Night is a favourite here at Hog Roast Glenrothes , not just because a large part of it revolves around brilliant Scottish dining, but also because it celebrates one of the very best poets the world has ever seen. Between the world signing Auld Lang Syne every Hogmanay at the bells, or the influence of songs like A Red, Red Rose, Scots Wha Hae, and To A Mouse, the life and works of Robert Burns is certainly one that gets its just celebrations every year with Burns Night.

As a caterer, we are always available for your Burns Night events. All around Scotland and certain parts of the world, it is traditional to gather for an evening of food, drink, and poetry. Traditionally your Burns supper would consist of haggis, while your drink may be a whisky while you make an ode to your favourite Burns poem with an evening’s recitation, or of course the traditional Address to a Haggis, too. In some cases, parties may also top it all off with a wonderful Scottish ceilidh dance!

Hog Roast GlenrothesAll of that is right up Hog Roast Glenrothes’s street! For the 25th of January you can make your Burns Night one to really savour with Hog Roast Glenrothes. While we are of course known for our hog roasts, for Burns night we are more than happy to source out high-quality haggis to pair with your neeps and tatties. Of course you could also make your address to our hog roast, instead, or we could even double up to make a Scot’s/ Hog Roast Glenrothes fusion with a haggis and a hog roast – the perfect mix of flavour and texture, in our opinion, and best when washed down with a lovely smoky dram! You won’t find anything akin to a “wee and tim’rous beastie” with our  hog roast either – it’s big enough to feed your Burns Night twice over if needed!

So, for your Burns Night supper on the 25th, make your address to Hog Roast Glenrothes today!

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